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How to Start Up a Windshield Repair Business

How to Start Up a Windshield Repair BusinessThe Opportunity of Windshield Repair

It is estimated that 7 out of 10 vehicles on the road today receive some type of windshield damage, usually from a small stone hitting the windshield while driving. With the average cost of a repair being between $45.00 to $65.00 for the first repair and as much as $10.00 to $25.00 for each additional repair, that could turn into a sale of $115 in less than 45 minutes! With cost of goods of less than $1.00 at an average sale price of $55.00 per repair, that equates to a great return on investment!

The windshield repair industry is quickly becoming the one of the largest growing automotive service markets in the United States. WindShield Repair is, indeed, a lucrative industry!

WSR BusinessPack™

Purchasing a windshield Repair Kit is the first step in having a successful business. But it is critical to have the right documents such as a disclaimer, warranty, business cards, flyers and training documents. Download the Windshield Repair BusinessPack™ with the link below.



Here’s a convenient way to have a ‘windshield’ along to demonstrate windshield repair at fairs, shows or insurance offices. It also comes in handy when training new technicians or impressing your friends! Green tinted laminated glass which is 8 in X 10 ¾ inches in size, fits right into your brief case. Buy it with or without bull’s eye breaks. Flip the glass over for twice the repair area. Comes with foam supports and a bull’s eye maker. NOTE: Accelerator Bridge is NOT Included in Kit.


On-Site Windshield Repair Training

The AGS Kits are easy to learn, but if you want to ‘jump start’ your career, consider On-Site Training! Click Here to learn about the available programs.

Windshield Repair Insurance Billing

eDirectGlass Lite – Entirely web based, electronic billing option. Allows you to both send and receive jobs electronically. Fulfills some insurance companies request to receive referrals electronically, helping you to receive more jobs. Monthly fee with no “per claim” fee. Click here for more information about Windshield Repair Insurance Billing.